Over the last year, Partnership on AI’s Global Task Force for Inclusive AI has worked to develop the “Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI.” This is the working draft for public feedback. To learn more about this draft, please read here.

We welcome feedback from stakeholders across sectors, domains, and experience. You can submit any and all feedback here.

Table of Contents

Executive Summary

Executive Summary

Guidance & Guardrails

General Best Practices & Guardrails

Use Case: Study of (New) Market Needs

Use Case: User Data Collection and Data Enrichment

Use Case: Expert Feedback and Guidance

Use Case: Risk and Failure Assessments

Use Case: User Experience and Beta Testing

Use Case: Engagement Process Design

Looking Ahead: AI Tools for Participatory and Inclusive AI

Overview of AI Tools

Synthetic Participants & Facilitators (AI Agents)

Synthetic Data

Automated Synthesis