
WORKING DRAFT FOR PUBLIC FEEDBACK For more context on this draft, please see here. Please submit feedback here.


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Table of Contents

Next: General Best Practices & Guardrails

Over the last year, Partnership on AI’s Global Task Force for Inclusive AI has worked to develop these draft Guidelines for Participatory and Inclusive AI. The objective is to help practitioners navigate the common challenges that arise in the process of stakeholder engagement to ensure their efforts remain authentic and as equity-oriented as possible. The resource aims to support individuals’ efforts in aligning their work with the needs of the communities they wish to serve, while reducing the likelihood of harms and risks those communities may face due to the development and deployment of AI technologies.

The Guidelines are separated into three major parts:

Everyone is invited to provide feedback on the draft document. If you are only recently becoming familiar with stakeholder engagement practices in the field of AI, starting with the “Additional Background” will provide you with a useful primer on the topic. If you are eager to review the recommendations outlined by the Global Task Force, start with “**Guidance & Guardrails.**”

In order to create meaningful resources that have real-world impact we need to ensure that diverse perspectives are incorporated in the development process. As you review the Guidelines, we would especially appreciate your input the on the following questions:

  1. How can the guidance and guardrails provided for each use case be more descriptive to enable users of this resource to take action and develop more inclusive stakeholder engagement strategies?
  2. Are there any common use cases of stakeholder engagement that you have dealt with that should be included in the guidelines?
  3. Are there additional significant harms to socially marginalized communities or individuals that should be discussed throughout this resource?
  4. How do you see these guidelines being applied to your work or experience with AI?
  5. What format should the final resource take to ensure you can easily and frequently use it while navigating stakeholder engagement issues?

Thank you for taking the time to review this draft document. If you have any questions, please reach out to [email protected].