
WORKING DRAFT FOR PUBLIC FEEDBACK For more context on this draft, please see here. Please submit feedback here.


Previous: Use Case: Engagement Process Design

Table of Contents

Next: Synthetic Participants & Facilitators (AI Agents)


This section reviews different AI-driven tools and platforms that intend to support stakeholder engagement activities. Some of these tools are already on the market, while others are in development. They have been classified into four broad categories of tools:

By reviewing these tools, this section begins to explore both (1) the tools’ potential benefits to supporting stakeholder engagement practices and (2) how the tools could be misused in ways that harm or otherwise act against the goals of stakeholder engagement. As many of these tools are not yet widely adopted for stakeholder engagement, these more cautionary points are outlined not to deter their use, but to encourage more critical assessment of their  role in stakeholder engagement approaches.

As noted in the introduction to this resource, the Global Task Force prioritizes the application of community-empowering, qualitative approaches with an emphasis on building close working collaborations with people through direct (human) contact and frequent communication. This is core principle used to analyze different stakeholder engagement tools that are coming to market: