
WORKING DRAFT FOR PUBLIC FEEDBACK For more context on this draft, please see here. Please submit feedback here.


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Teams and companies will conduct early-stage market studies before a new product/feature iss fully designed or built. Goals in this situation may include  better understanding of (1) nuances between their existing market and these new potential markets and (2) issues the new market is facing that may support an AI-driven solution (including whether or not an AI-driven solution is even needed for that market or audience). These market studies may be conducted in the form of desk research of existing knowledge and studies, focus groups (group interviews), individual stakeholder interviews, mass market surveys, and consultations with experts. The new “market” can be a different demographic group (e.g., market towards young people between the ages of 18-25), a different geographic region (e.g., Europe), or other user qualities (e.g., Spanish-speaking  populations).


A team of AI developers is passionate about accessible technology for people with auditory differences, particularly those who use sign language as their primary mode of communication. They believe they have a potential product idea for wearable technology - in this case wearable gloves - that would capture the gestures of someone speaking in American Sign Language (ASL) and “translate” the ASL into spoken American English. They have the basic idea outlined but no prototype developed (yet). The team recognizes that, in order to build a successful product, they must have a better understanding of the ASL-using community’s needs and receive guidance on what exactly should be built. Therefore, they plan to conduct a series of focus groups with people who use ASL on a regular basis and recruit a panel of 15-20 consulting experts to (potentially) work with them for the next couple of years.


Use Case Practices

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