
WORKING DRAFT FOR PUBLIC FEEDBACK For more context on this draft, please see here. Please submit feedback here.


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It is becoming increasingly popular to invite established experts to offer insights on a consultative basis and different stages of AI development. When doing so, it is important to consider what form of expertise is being solicited, and whether this is aligned with the forms of expertise actually needed. For example, should subject matter experts, individuals with relevant lived expertise and knowledge of the contexts that would be targeted by an AI project, and/or experts in responsible AI / AI ethics be involved, given the case-specific needs of the AI-developing team? Moreover, once the stakeholder group is decided, how should they be invited? When identifying these needs, it is important to consider the scope of the problem that experts are being asked to consult on, as this may restrict or expand who is seen as a relevant expert to provide insight.


A team is beginning a new project related to home-based healthcare. Members of the team have worked on healthcare-related projects before, but this is their first foray into the home-based health space. The project includes the development of an AI-enabled chatbot that is supposed to provide assistance home-based aides during emergency situations with their clients.



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